Friday, July 30, 2010

Pizzolatto's Galveston

Dennis Lehane [1] praised Nic Pizzolatto's debut novel, Galveston [2], in this past Sunday's NYT book review [3].  This title caught my interest by sounding like a James Cain-inspired [4] contemporary noir story.

Roy does criminal jobs for a boss who's taken up with Roy's girlfriend.  To get Roy out of the picture, he sends Roy into a set up.  Roy comes out alive, and brings another survivor with him, teenage prostitute Rocky.  They go on the run, eventually winding up in a motel in Galveston.  Lehane describes the other misfits there quite well in his review of the novel.

It's an enjoyable write up and Lehane judges the novel fairly.  If the mini description I gave has you at all interested in the book, and I recommend you check out the review.  Lehane has a fondness for noir, best demonstrated in this line from his review: "If there’s a guiding principle that whispers in the ear of every reader of great noir, it’s this: Things will not end well."

1. Dennis Lehane, author of these books we've got at the library
2. Check the library catalog for Galveston
3. Lehane's Review of Galveston from the New York Times Sunday Book Review
4. James Cain, author of these noir classics you can find at the library

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