Sunday, February 27, 2011

Patton Oswalt's Weakness is Hilarious

Patton Oswalt is really freaking funny, if his stand-up CD/DVD set My Weakness is Strong is any example [1].  His is adult humor, so be sure to alter your expectations if you pick this up.  He's not the family-friendly guy from the King of Queens, nor the child-friendly Remy the rat that he voices in Ratatouille when he does his stand-up. Is there some raunch?  Maybe a little--everyone's got different sensibilities.  One man's raunch is another man's belly laugh.

Oswalt hits a variety of topics in this routine--from getting ready for parenting to interrupting an orgy while visiting houses with his realtor, from grocery store check out robots to how Ratatouille ruined Halloween, from not believing his wife about the existence of a giant rat in the back yard to believing his wife about the existence of a giant rat in the back yard.  His observations and anecdotes are great for producing suffocating, tear-filled laughs.

He recently published a book, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland, that I'm looking forward to reading [2].  While I wait for a copy to come available, I'll check out Big Fan, a film Ebert gives 3.5 outta 4 stars [3].  To end this post on one of those newspaper-headline style pun-cliches, Oswalt's made himself a big fan with me.

Set list:
1. Check out Oswalt's My Weakness is Strong (includes DVD and CD)

2. Hop on the Zombie Spaceship Wasteland wait list with me!

3. Check out Big Fan, and if you've never heard of it, check out Ebert's review.

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