Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Paint the White House Green?

Seattle-based Grist.org delivers the "green scoop" on President-elect Obama's cabinet picks.

Many score high marks for their publicly expressed concerns about climate change; others catch criticism for supporting genetically modified crops.

What's special about Grist? From their "About Us" page:
Let's face it: reading environmental journalism too often feels like eating your vegetables. Boiled. With no butter.

But at Grist, we believe that news about green issues and sustainable living doesn't have to be predictable, demoralizing, or dull. We butter the vegetables! And add salt! And strain metaphors! ...

[W]e throw brickbats when they're needed and bestow kudos when they're warranted. And while we take our work seriously, we don't take ourselves seriously, because of the many things this planet is running out of, sanctimonious tree-huggers ain't one of them.
On a similar note, have a look at our recent purchase, The New Village Green: Living Light, Living Local, Living Large.

The book contains a variety of informative articles and wisdom, including how to clean the air at home with house plants, the basics of financial independence, and even "How Insects Hunker Down for the Winter."

Elsewhere, TNVG contributor Larry Saltzman suggests some timely resources in "Understanding the Current Money Melt-Down," via HopeDance.

1 comment:

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